Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Sorry it is late but thought I would join in again this week. I got a few new Sweet Pea Stamps today so thought I would colour them. My desk is always neat. Shock horror. hahaha. I always clean up as soon as I have finished making a card even if I am about to make another straight away. Must be a little OCD. LOL.


Kylie said...

Hahaha - show off!! :)
Kylie xx

Kellie said...

Far to clean for me!
Kel x

Jodie from Oz said...

Trace, sorry I missed your birthday, hope your day was special. In regards to your desk, what Kellie and Kylie said. Hugs Jodie from Oz

Diffirent Shades Of Life said...

Looks great, I love seeing other peoples desks. Love what you have your Copic's in (mine are just in a drawer which is a pain), where did you find that cointainer (is it the one's that Marcia said about from Office Works?
Sue x